product design, ui/ux, concept, collaboration
Collaborative brief to create an 100% sustainable packaging system for supermarkets. Including research on materials, designing the products themselves, and creation of the brand, as well as an app to purchase them with.
Upon conducting consumer and material research, we decided on a trio of sustainable materials that we would be using in the packaging of our products:
Stainless Steel
Iron alloy
100% recyclable, one of the most recyclable
materials on the planet
Hard and strong
Can contaminate some foodstuffs such as
Most stainless steels are first melted
in electric-arc or basic oxygen furnaces and subsequently refined in another steelmaking vessel, mainly to lower the carbon content
Borosilicate Glass
Made from naturally occuring materials, so low environmental impact
Easily breakable
Does not contaminate foodstuffs
See through, good for meats and other
items customers may want to see before
they buy
Customers percieve as high quality
Can be frozen
Highly recyclable
Flexible and strong- good for sealing and packing small
Made from the element silicon, the most abundant element in the earth’s crust
Does not contain harmful chemicals found in other plastics, does not contaminate
Not as easy to recycle as the other materials
Our logo had to be clean and simple, so that it could be used in the wide variety of scales necessary for food packaging. We use a general motif of circles across a lot of our branding, and that’s reflected in the typography of the wordmark as well.
Our colour scheme tends towards cool, fresh tones, to reflect the nature of our products. Within our ordering & reward points app, each colour is used to denote the different sections in navigation.
I created a series of possible app icon designs- however in the end the simplest version, with the full Ciclo logo on display, was selected.
The Ciclo app allows customers to purchase groceries to be delivered to them at home, as well as collect reward points to spend on future shops.
The app is designed to make it completely clear how many points the user is receiving on each item, and how much money they’ve saved while using Ciclo.
Navigation is assisted by use of colour and large, easy to understand imagery.
A selection of our final packaging designs, rendered in 3D by another member of the group.